Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Almost here!

After months of interviews, planning, preparation, team meetings and lot's of prayer we are finally here! Saturday morning our team will meet at O'Hare and begin our journey to Mississippi. Would you join us in prayer the week we are in Mississippi? I've attached a calendar of what you can pray for each day along with a list of our team members if you would like to pray by name for our team.

Saturday, June 19th:: Safe Travels

Sunday, June 20th:: Openess to what God has in store for us!

Monday, June 21st:: Individual and families who are still recovering from the hurricane

Tuesday, June 22nd:: Ability to see where and how God is at work

Wednesday, June 23rd:: Physical health and strength as we work long days outside

Thursday, June 24th:: Team unity and deepened relationships

Friday, June 25th:: Wisdom for the government and authorities that are making decisions

Saturday, June 26th:: God to use our experience to inform and impact the rest of our community.

Our Team Members are...
Jeff Angle
Megan Angle
Cameron Berglund
Brad Dedina
Jordan Ehlers
Maddie Hinkle
Eric Huster
Rebecca Jakopin
Nick Mesmer
Morgan Parcel
Robin Perko
Brock Rubin
Dawson Rubin
Lynette Rubin
Scott Rubin
Tanner Rubin
Carlos Santiago
Rhyana Steffen
Jenna Stitt
Jessica Terrill
Lindsey VandenBos
Wes Wilson

THANK YOU for your support for our team members. For your prayers, support and financially making this trip a reality. I know that God has big things planned for each team member and I can't wait for Saturday to begin this journey.


1 comment:

  1. You are all in the Zumbrock family prayers. Wish so bad I could be there with you. Be safe, be moved and be changed. Love you all! xoxo
