Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A blog for the day...

Today we started out normal. We ate breakfast (frosted flakes for Tanner) and got to work. We congregated in a room together and talked about the bible story where Nehemiah’s city wall was crumbling. Her assigned all the peeps of the city a section by their house to build the was so they would build it strongly. They explained that we would be rebuilding a path around where we are now and we would have to build it strong for it to last. We split up into 3 groups. Dawson, Eric (co-blogger), Brad, and Jordan were working on replacing some bad boards on the deck.

We don't have an after picture for the boards, Megan dropped the ball on it

Tanner (co-blogger), Rhyana, Carols, Jessica, Lindsey, Morgan, Lynette, Wes, Jeff, Megan and Rebecca were working on remaking the path, it looks good now!

Nick, Cameron, Scott, Rubin- I mean Robin , Joe, Maddie, Jenna, and Brock were working on setting up the tent (its harder than it sounds!) by the kitchen.

Everybody worked hard, really hard, really really hard until lunch. Then we went to lunch, which was PINK hotdogs, probably worse that the worst meal you moms have ever made. Afterwards, we went back to work; finished remodeling the path, finished replacing the boards, and finished putting up the tent. Then we took some time to write in out journals before going to the Mockingbird CafĂ© for some drinks and devotional by Eric, Brad, and Jordan. They talked about the gifts God gave you and how we can use them to the best of our ability and about facing our fears with our gifts. Then at the end of the devotional, Eric did face his hear and prayed out loud in front of the whole group. It was awesome. Then we went for a walk before getting back in the cars and going home. Straight to bed from there after writing the blog!

• We made sure Carlos had tons of sunscreen on and he drank about a million bottles of water
• Rhyana really likes Paramore, ask her about it later.
• Whoopie cushions have been a big hit with Lindsey, Morgan, Jessica, and Maddie.
• Jenna has the most hilarious funny face
• Cameron conquered the power tools and was going to town screwing boards into the deck with a sledgehammer- I mean drill
• Jordan really likes to videotape things
• Tanner & Eric are awesome 

-Tanner & Eric


  1. Tanner & Eric and gang,

    Your comment "Today we started out normal." struck me as funny and made me think a bit. I don't think any of you in the group are normal anymore. You started this trip "normal" but this community of work for the Lord will change you from normal forever. You'll never be same. No going back to normal.

    Tim (Morgan's dad)

  2. That was a quite a day! It's amazing how much you all got accomplished. We love the photos.
    Tanner and Eric are bloggers for a mother's heart. Glad to hear Carlos is so well taken care of by the team (John 13:35).
    the Santiago Family
