Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Work day 3 (6/23)

Hi everyone!
Today was another work day. After a breakfasts of scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits and toast, we split up. One group went to Walmart to get supplies. Another group stacked soap in the church bathrooms after getting the sanctuary ready for the service. Yet another group moved a tree a couple feet away from the house. The last group cleaned out the area under the bunkhouse. Later we did a bunch of small of small projects, like planting iris bulbs using only our feet. Super fun!! Other people moved tarps, etc. onto a truck. While moving stuff, some people got bitten by fire ants, including Jessie and Rebecca. That was an experience we could've done without. For lunch we had sandwiches, watermelon, and a cheese dish. Now we are sitting in the cafeteria writing this blog entry for you to read. Duh. What else? Then we are going back out to work. But for now, Jessie and Rebecca are tired so we are now going to end the entry. We hope you have a nice rest of the day:)

Your beloved family members,
Jessie and Rebecca

1 comment:

  1. My beloved Family Member,
    Whoops! I can’t believe there WAS something we forgot to tell you before you left… stay away from fire ants! Other than that, your projects sound fun, and we are truly looking forward to hearing more when you come home. I love imagining the impact ya’ll are having on the community. And the impact the community is having on each of you.
    Love from Rebecca's Parents
