Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day at the Beach

Today we woke up after a good nights rest. We headed off to McDonald's for a delicious breakfast for 23. We went back to camp to go to Lakeshore Baptist Church. It was a small, cute church with a friendly community. Pastor Gary taught a good sermon about the characteristics of a true disciple. After that we drove to Walmart to pickup up some food for lunch, beach toys, and Whoopie-Cushions! Then we hit the beautiful beach and ate a great lunch. After lunch we went for a swim for several hours. While in the water we saw and felt tons of little jellyfish. Before we even started our first work day we saw devastation from hurricane Katrina. The piers are all knocked down, and all that is left is their wooden pillars. All the houses are built on stilts to protect them from future hurricanes. At the beach we saw this sign, check out the picture all the way at the bottom of this blog page, it is the same location and if you look in the background of the picture we took, you can see the progress that St. Claire Parish has made in rebuilding their church in the past 3 years. We are now on our way back to camp to take showers and go to dinner.

-Morgan Parcel and Lindsey Vanden Bos


  1. Thanks for the update, Morgan and Lindsey! I hope your first work day goes great!

  2. The Elevate Staff back home says "hi"! We love and miss you all!

  3. Thanks for the Happy Father's Day wishes Morgan and Lindsey! The jelly fish encounter sounds creepy. I heard the screams all the way back here.
