Monday, June 21, 2010

The First Day at Work

We woke up about 6:50(at least the boys did.) Then we ate pancakes, cereal, bacon, and fruit salad while Wes told stories in the grandpa chair. Then we went back to the cabins to get ready for the first work project. The first mission was to give out Bibles to the people in the neighborhood that needed or wanted one. In our car, (Brock and Nick's)we talked about chihuahuas and then saw 14 of them.(people like small dogs.) While we were doing our job, we met a lady who wanted to know where the church was, we told her it was by a casino and she knew where we were talking about right away.In the middle of the job we gave a Bible to a farmer (Kenny) and he asked if we wanted to see his farm,we saw horses, a cow and a buffalo. Then we finished a couple more roads and then we came back to eat lunch.

thank for praying for us ...... Nick and Brock

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great boys. Keep up the great work.
    Love, The Mesmers
