Monday, June 21, 2010


After an exciting morning of handing out Bibles we made our way back for lunch. Lunch conversation consisted of countless stories about the people we met while handing out Bibles. After a delicious meal of pulled pork, it was back to the streets for more Bible distribution. Right away we noticed a change in the level of confidence. At the beginning of the day we were not sure how people would respond to us offering them free Bibles. By the end of the day we found ourselves racing from the vans with a new excitement about what new story we were going to hear next. Some of the stories that we heard were quite moving. For example one man came to the door and told us that his family was going through some rough times. He admitted that he had whipped his son with a belt and DCFS took his son away. We were blown away by the level of honesty he shared. It was almost as though he wanted to be heard. We were honored to be there for him and then offer our prayers. Another example was a man that told about the water level during Katrina being as high as the telephone poles! Some of us even encountered a women that told about her cat that saved her daughter's life by breathing into her mouth?! Worn out from a hot, humid, sticky day in the sun we headed to the Golden Arches for some ice cream and a brake. We kept our self entertained by making up silly new names for everyone. Carlos is now T-bone Enrique. Jordan's name is Jo Bo Edward Napoleon. Everybody got one! After experiencing a coastal thunderstorm, we finished up on the streets. Showered and fed, we head to the Golf of Mexico (the beach) for our daily devotional and share time. The stories of the day seemed to have no end. It felt so good to help people and to share God's word. After praying for the people we met, we headed home to go to bed. We are currently typing this blog. Carlos just said "We should wrap this up". Jordan is tired and wants to go to bed. And so we shall. Goodnight now.

Carlos and Jordan


  1. Thanks for the update T-bone Enrique. We are praying for you all every day and love hearing how God is using the team. Looks like we both have the same weather today. Wow, Chicago is going to be a couple degrees hotter! Wish we could meet you on the beach.:) Keep up the good work (Colossians 3:23-24).
    Mom, Dad, and Arianna

  2. Sounds like a full day. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep your eyes open for ways in which God continues to move in you and in those you are serving.

    Love, Cyndi & Steve Mesmer
