Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Work

We woke up early again to another hot day. We had a delicious breakfast that consisted of eggs, bacon, toast, and cereal. After that we split up into three groups to work on projects on the campus. Half of us were working on repairing a pathway that was completely overgrown by grass. They had to take out all the old bricks, pull weeds, even out the ground, and lay out new bricks and gravel. The second group worked together to build a very complex tent. It was made by a ninety year old man who welded everything himself and was really hard to figure out. A couple kids were repairing broken floorboards by the bathroom. Half the path is done, the top half of the tent is done, and the floorboards are coming along great! As of now lunch is being served so we'd like to finish up and go eat. We're hungry.

We're exited for the rest of the day even though we're not sure what projects we'll be doing. Thanks for praying for us!

Maddie and Jenna

1 comment:

  1. We can tell by your posts that your team is really representing God well in all that you are doing. Every bit of progress is making a difference. SO COOL!! Jessica's 6 year old brother Jake is praying you each day.(so is her mom). Much love to you all!
    Maddie and Jenna- nice job on the post!
