Saturday, June 19, 2010

We made it through security!

The first task to conquer was getting the bags checked, all the students watched carefully to see if their bag would be under the 50lb limit. There were several fist pumps and the gentlemen behind the counter received several high fives. After all the bags were checked, we got to the serious stuff- Jessie and Brad won the contest for student and leader- bags closest to 50lbs (without going over) Jessie has an astounding 47.5 and Brad kicked everyone's butt with 49.5 lbs. Jeff gets an honorable mention at 50.5 to bad he went over :(. For the least weight competition, Rhyana took the prize with no competitor even coming close with only a 22 lb bag checked.

We then split into our groups with a very important task... each small group is currently working hard to come up with their "squadron code name", stay tuned as the names will be revealed at dinner tonight.

The fine staff at O'hare airport opened an entire new security section so that we could get through quickly. Too bad Brad held us up a bit- he forgot he had packed his laptop apparently, and had to go back, put it in a bin, and go through security a second time. After that we split for lunch the McDonalds group and the Pizza group, which one do you think your kid was in
We all sit now at gate K-13 I am pretty sure that the other people waiting for our flight are shaking their heads and wondering how they possibly ended up on a flight with this many hyper students, we even had someone comment "here comes the 3rd grade class" I don't think our students are that short :)

Now that we are checked in, body scanned, and fed. Next task- get on the plane and get to seats.
- Megan Angle

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