Sunday, June 20, 2010

G'Morning from Mississippi

Hello! We are up and ready to go for our day after a good night's sleep in our bunks with fans blowing and the air conditioners on as well. Thanks for your prayers for our travels - everything went smoothly and we had some interesting conversations on our way to our destination. I (Lynette) will tell you about two of them.

I had the opportunity to sit next to another mom (Jenny) on our flight down. Jenny spent about half the flight telling me of the adventures of being in early labor with their second child and having to evacuate their home in 15 minutes. She shared about lessons she learned as they had to count on friends and family for everything after their house was destroyed by the water. She talks about how "stuff" has less value to her now than people. But I think her most powerful thought was this: "As I was waiting in line for our insurance check with all kinds of other people from every walk of life, I realized how everyone really is more the same than matter who they were, we were all in the same was very humbling."

Our second conversation came at dinner...with our waitress. She was about as southern and sweet as can be, and we had the chance to ask her about her story. She, too, lived near the area when the hurricane hit, and had not evacuated with her family. They ended up having to live in the attic for 4 days in waist high water while waiting for rescue. And, her community has never really recovered. She drives about 45 minutes for a waitressing job, as there is nothing available in her town for work. In her town, a Wal-Mart and McDonalds just came back to the area this year, 5 years since the hurricane's hit.

As we head out to get some breakfast, we are excited to see what God might want to show us today. It's nice and HOT already...what an adventure we are on. THANKS for your support for us!


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